Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Reality Is an Event

Jack -- Thanks for coming by and sharing so simply what's happening with you. It's a reminder of the precedence of this event among us which indicates our road. I meant to write earlier, because I think it's hard to put something out there and not have a reaction for a while.

Suzanne -- Your experience of teaching gestures to children is so interesting. I grew up in that time that disdained so much of tradition and gestures, even ordinary social expressions. I used to get in trouble with my mother-in-law for not paying attention to many little things that for her were always simple indications of love. Now from her vantage point, I am sure she extends mercy to me. You have been offering some deep reflections on the Eucharist. I appreciate your bringing forward the connection for us as we labor online.
If I may be so bold, I would say that our prayer should be, "Father, send your Holy Spirit to transform these gifts, so that they may become the Body and Blood of your Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ." It is interesting to note (but maybe pushing the connection beyond what it can bear), that when we blog, we must also impose our hands...
Talking about how to stay together online, I'm struck by the great risks Fr. Giussani took with the companionship. Everyone, boys and girls, were kept together. Nothing was censored, but everything judged and simply from the criterion of the Church with a great openness to all. Then there is this fascinating venture of Crossroads in the US which specifically seeks to meet others, instead of reducing human exchange to hashing ideas. According to Godspy, "Carlo Lancellotti explained to me, `Reality is an event, not an idea.'"

The event is Jack's new friendship, Suzanne's experiences of teaching and worship, my travels, etc. It's everything that involves us, and it's all interesting when we seek Christ in reality.

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