Saturday, November 1, 2008

November Theme: Economy, Debt

This month, Cahiers Péguy is introducing a new format of a monthly theme inviting closer analysis on topics of cultural, social and political interest. Each theme will start from a broad field and will focus in on a discrete topic. This format will provide an emphasis, and won't preclude the regular programming that arises in response to current events.
For our first month, we will take the economy as a category and put household debt under the lens. While the recent economic meltdown has generated a sense of helplessness, addressing the question of using money opens up a more human response to the crisis. As free individuals, we can manage resources and seek the common good in our economic relationships. As educators, we can propose a more healthy economic mentality which puts money in the context of a tool rather than an end for life.
Graphic from The American Prospect.

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