Saturday, November 17, 2007

Immigration and Families

An immigration "dilemma" or a mother's worst nightmare. See also a restatement of the Church's position on protecting the human rights of immigrants from earlier this month in Spain. The Church cite is superfluous; this is a no-brainer on basic human rights, Nantel's "I'm just doing my job" justifications notwithstanding.

Saída Umanzor, is an illegal immigrant and was taken to jail to await deportation. Her 9-month-old [breastfeeding only] daughter, Brittney Bejarano, who was born in the United States and is a citizen, was put in the care of social workers....

The case exposes a recurring quandary for immigration authorities as an increasing number of American-born children of illegal immigrants become caught up in deportation operations. With the Bush administration stepping up enforcement, the immigration agency has been left scrambling to devise procedures to deal with children who, by law, do not fall under its jurisdiction because they are citizens.

“We are faced with these sorts of situations frequently, where a large number of individuals come illegally or overstay and have children in the United States,” said Kelly A. Nantel, a spokeswoman for the agency. “Unfortunately, the parents are putting their children in these difficult situations.”...

About two-thirds of the children of the illegal immigrants detained in immigration raids in the past year were born in the United States....

Based on that finding, at least 13,000 American children have seen one or both parents deported in the past two years after round-ups in factories and neighborhoods. The figures are expected to grow. Over all, about 3.1 million American children have at least one parent who is an illegal immigrant, according to a widely accepted estimate by the Pew Hispanic Center in Washington.

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